Friday, February 13, 2015

Chemistry of Love

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Chemistry of Love

No one wants to be alone on Valentine’s Day. However, many of us have difficulties communicating our feelings and trying to determine if our crush shares those feelings. Wouldn’t it be great to actually get inside the head of a potential lover?

Love is often depicted as a process of the heart. In February, stores are filled with heart-shaped boxes, chocolates, and teddy bears for purchase as gifts to display affection to one’s significant other. However, the process of love takes place in the brain and is driven by hormones. A few of the major chemicals involved are testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.
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According to Helen Fisher, PhD, love occurs in three stages, each stage being associated with certain hormones. The first stage is lust, followed by attraction, and attachment. 

Many relationships start as lust. This is where testosterone and estrogen play the major role by increasing libido. Dopamine and serotonin are released when we feel pleasure and make us happy. These are the “feel good” hormones. Interestingly enough, dopamine is also released when certain drugs are ingested, leading to addiction. The “cuddle hormone” oxytocin helps solidify bonds and build attachment. Without oxytocin, long lasting relationships would not exist.

When you’re in love, your brain looks similar to someone who is mentally insane. Love is simply a combination of chemicals being released. The same chemicals that are released when we feel happy are important in maintaining the body. People with low dopamine levels are often depressed. Whereas, according to Jessica Jacobs of, too much dopamine is a symptom of schizophrenia.
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Spend Valentine’s Day with Someone
Subconsciously, humans find other individuals attractive based on features that would make them a good mate. Our brains are still wired for survival of the fittest. Strong males can protect offspring from predators. Wide hips and breasts indicate a female will be able to bear children. Love helps us survive as a species. It was built into our evolution. It helps ensure two adults will look after weak newborns and increases the chances of the continuation of the species.

If you're  interested in someone try some pickup lines with references to things they find enjoyable. You can’t just approach an attractive potential lover and press A. It wouldn’t be best to approach someone who has no knowledge of chemistry with elemental puns. Find a cute chemistry major in your class and ask take them out for coffee.

And of course, there's always presents. Give the person you’re interested in a gift. Food items work well, especially if you’re looking to increase his or her dopamine levels. Chocolate, the stereotypical Valentine’s gift, is one such food. Other foods that help raise dopamine production are meat products from animals, apples, bananas, berries, and cheeses.

Of all the relationships I’ve witnessed, the best ones, the longest lasting, seem to be between people who think similarly and have know each other for a long time. Have a long conversation with someone you thought you didn’t find interesting, you never know what you’ll learn about them. Your valentine could be the person next to you.

Other sites you might find interesting herehereand here.

Have a lovely Valentine’s Day. If you know any good pickup lines, leave them in the comments :)


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog. It actually caught my intereset from the first paragraph and the pictures really helped keep me reading. Plus it was a really interesting topic.

    1. I'm glad you found it enjoyable :) Thanks for reading
